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True boost: Natural Stress Reducer

November 13th, 2009

Yesterday I wrote about selling, saying that selling is not selling out. If you have something you believe in, something you think will help people be healthier and also make the world a better place, you, I, have a moral obligation to let people know about it.

I am a member of an affiliate networking company called Life Force. Their main product is Body Balance. It is a sea vegetable aloe drink that may be the purest food on the planet. All I know for sure is that since I’ve been drinking body balance, I’ve been much, much healthier. I fly a lot and jet lag is no problem for me anymore. I start to get a cold now, but it never gets a chance to take hold and take me down anymore.

I just started using a new product called True Boost. It is all natural and helps with stress reduction and sleeping. The Life Force company has even created a stress test to help you decide whether you need to drink one or two of these small bottles per day. Here’s the link for True Boost Energy Drink to Relieve Stress

This month they are having a special on True Boost. If you decide you want to give it a try, you can order this month and get extra bottles for free. You have 45 days to try True Boost, and if you don’t like it, you get your money back with no hassle.

I love this company. Take health and friendship and love and combine them with a way of making money to support yourself and your family — and you have Life Force.

My mentor in Life Force is Francie O’Shea. If you decide you want to look into ordering True Boost, here is how you can do it:

Life Force Information

From Francie:

Here is the Life Force Customer Service number: 1-800-531-4877.

Give them Vicki Hannah Lein’s number: 20648860.

-They will ask you about becoming a member or just a customer. If you want to help others, choose member, just for yourself, choose customer. The price is the same.

-You have to be a member to receive the affiliate payment. Doesn’t cost ANYTHING to join as a member. They will ask for your SS number to send an earnings statement for taxes.

-Also they will ask you if you want to have an autoship. That means they will ship it next month, unless you tell them otherwise.

-With autoship you get a wholesale price around 10-15% less depending on what you order. Usually this makes the shipping free.

-They are very helpful and easy to deal with.

Confession: I am feeling uneasy right now. I am feeling pushy and nervous that my sharing about True Boost and Life Force will make you not like me. I can feel this uneasiness fluttering in my chest as I dictate this post.

But I’m sharing this with you anyway. I’m posting this for all the world to see anyway. I’m breaking through my own fears, my old body stories, because I believe your health and well-being, financial, emotional, and physical, are worth my taking this risk.

If you have felt any resonance at all with what I have written here, please give True Boost a chance. I hope you get hooked. I hope you then say, “Tell me more about that Body Balance.”

May the Joy be with you,


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