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Pledge to My Heart

August 5th, 2015

I’m sharing a song I wrote and recorded with The Free Range Chix with you today and a poster to go with it. Share these with whomever you wish. The lyrics:


I pledge allegiance
to my heart
and to the compassion
for which it stands.

One planet
With dignity and abundance
For all

Neuroscience tells us that what we focus on grows. Being mindful of who we want to be in this world makes a difference in how we deal with challenges and what we bring out in other people.

A neighbor of ours loves to be contentious. He enjoys stirring people up and then not listening. Surprisingly, he has few friends and no girlfriend. No job either. Bless his heart, he has come to be who he is honestly, but who he is unattractive and will not draw love to him.

You and I have a choice to make every day: How will we start our day in order to always do our best?

One way to start your day is to play this song audio-icon and look at (download and print) the poster.

What you do matters and you are always doing something.


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