1. One thing I know is that I have lots of help. For example, I am dictating this writing into my computer with the new program I am just learning how to use called MacSpeech Dictate. Since I am legally blind, and I was never very good at typing anyway, in fact, I cheated in my high school typing class, writing these blogs is very difficult for me. I make so many mistakes typing, sometimes three or four errors per sentence, that it takes a lot of my life energy to proofread my writing.
Now I have a program that I can talk into and it magically, MAGICALLY, prints what I say. This program is new to me, so I have much more to discover about how much this program will empower me. But I know this, I will get better and faster at using this program because I will stick with it until I master it.
So one thing I really know is that no matter how lost I am, there is plenty of help all around me all the time.
2. I get to hope and dream. I just got back from a mastermind session with Suzanne Evans, and I am churning. My doubts are up and about and floating in my brain and through my heart and clouding my vision. My big dreams to help the world in the best way I know how are also pulsating through me, almost demanding that I stay tuned and stay committed so that people in the world that I can most serve will be served. Giving up is not an option. Giving up is not an option.
3. What I also know is that I am deeply loved. Not only do I have a fabulous amazing magical husband, but I got an e-mail from someone in Bulgaria this morning, someone who said she loved my book Woman with a Voice: Daring to Live Authentically Ever After. She said a friend of hers loves my books so much, she wants her own copy. How could she get a copy of my book in Bulgaria.
To me this is a miracle. That I have touched someone in Bulgaria, touched someone enough that she seeks me out again three years after she saw me speak in Prague–well, this is reason enough for me to get up every morning and do whatever it is I need to do, so that I can help the people I can help, so that courage and truth and integrity rise in the world.
4. I know that everyone has greatness and genius in them. I know that if we are willing to tell ourselves the truth and not let shame steal our glory and our passion, each one of us has the ability to create miracles all day long. What if every person in the world got up every morning and said to themselves, “I am going to make their day!”
What if every person every day got up and helped every person they met smile, laugh, or just feel a little bit better about being alive? What if we all did this one simple thing? The world would be instantly and completely transformed.
That’s how close it all is. Just this close. Just right now right in front of us in ourselves, in our own hearts in our breath, in our smile and in our intention every day to make our day by making their day.
This is what I know today, even when I’m lost.