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Suffering Mantra

February 7th, 2014

Welcome new readers! Let me know what speaks to you and what you would like to hear more about, if you will. My intention is that you get at least one thing that sticks with you and helps you when you need a sparkle of inspiration.

I’m suffering with the Lingering Crud, a virus that invites a new virus to replace it when it starts to die. Low energy meets a cough… Time to be extraordinarily kind to ourselves.

Smart Thoughts for Stupid Moments Podcast


In the last episode of Smart Thoughts for Stupid Moments, I regaled you with my Freedom Mantra based on the Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz.
This episode turns the Freedom Mantra inside out and reminds us how we tend to add to our own suffering by: assuming bad things, taking everything personally, trying to more than our best, and speaking cruelly to ourselves. In this way we bind ourselves to our suffering and have no energy to play, love, and sing. So let’s call a Code You, as my dear friend the singing nurse Deb Gauldin would say, and WAKE Up, Deb’s website is:

Valentine’s Day Giggle

This will make you laugh, guaranteed!

Beware of the Doghouse – YouTube

Remember: Trusting the process will set you free–eventually!

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