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Cruel to Be Kind – C2BK

September 13th, 2012

Turning what you think you should do to be happier into something you really want to do.

Why do we resent doing what we know makes us feel better?  It’s science.  We are suspicious of solutions that seem sentimental or forced.  Even though expressing gratitude, appreciation, and committing acts of kindness makes us happier, we shrug these activities off as too simple, too easy.  We continue to do what we have always done and feel as happy as we have always felt.

The solution:  a game!

A game of benevolent assassination.  Really.

Cruel 2 B Kind – a game of benevolent assassination

You can put this game to work in your place of business, your school, or your community.

It’s free!  All you need is mobile communications tool:  texting, tweeting. We can change the world as we get happier.

Watch the game developer, Jane MeConigal, in one of her TED talks.

Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life | Video on

I’d love to hear back from you if you try this out.  Even if only two of you place, you will start a revolution.  People will want to know what you are doing, I promise.

This ceos from the book I’ve been listening to that I could not recommend more highly, Jane McGonigal’s Reality Is Broken: How Videogames Change the

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