Archive for the ‘living your purpose’ Category

I’m Not Sorry — I am Sexy!

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

How many experiments did Thomas Edison attempt before he invented the light bulb? The answer, according to Wayne Dyer is 4000. 3999 times Thomas Edison tried and failed. Mistakes and failure. Mistakes and failure. How could he possibly deal with all those mistakes? All that failure?

Answer: he didn’t tell himself he was making mistakes and failing. He told himself, “I’ve learned 3999 ways how not to make a light bulb!”

The Truth About Learning Curves

If we are going to learn how to do anything important, we are going to make lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of mistakes. The sooner we get over the story that mistakes are terrible and something we need to be ashamed of, the sooner we’re going to get to enjoy basking in the glory of successes, large and small.

When I’m teaching a workshop, one of the first things I do is teach the participants not to say “I’m sorry” when they make a mistake, but to say instead “I’m sexy!” Try it for yourself right now if you can. Think of a mistake you made then either think to yourself or say to yourself “I’m sexy!”

Notice any change in how you feel?  Groovy!  You just learned something that could change the rest of your life.

Now making a mistake doesn’t “have” to make you feel stupid or inadequate or embarrassed.  Now, making a mistake can be part of the flow of learning and even fun.  This is a HUGE transformation!  And you did it by just changing one little story you have been chanting to yourself.

I learned this technique at an improvisation class and it has served me well ever since. I share this technique everywhere I go, even in Bali with very shy students. The first time I taught this technique I said, “I don’t know if this will translate.” Boy, did it translate! They howled with laughter. For the days we spent together we were all very sexy indeed. If one of us forgot to say it, someone else would holler out, “You’re sexy!”  We would all laugh together. Every single time. The joke never lost its appeal.

Taking Ourselves To Seriously

Here are some generalizations: we all tend to take ourselves too seriously. We all tend to think everybody else cares about our mistakes as much as we do. We all tend to think we should be able to do whatever we set out to do the first time perfectly. We do not give ourselves any time for a learning curve.

The truth about learning curves is that there always is one, no matter what we’re learning, no matter how old we are, no matter where we are. I wrote a song called “Don’t Give Up” and one of the verses says: “There’s a curve in every learning. Sometimes we’re first, sometimes we’re last. It doesn’t serve us to be yearning to be perfect. Put that in the past. Don’t give up!”

My husband Murray and I are hosting an Internet radio talk show called The Funnymooners on Real Coaching Radio Network. We are making lots of mistakes. We try not to repeat them, but we are not holding any impossible ideal that somehow we’re going to be able to do this new project perfectly the first time, or the second time, or ever.

Progress, Not Perfection

Our goal is progress, not perfection. We want to learn as we go, to laugh as we learn, and to model a relationship that works and plays.

Spread the word! Teach this to your family or your partner or your coworkers or strangers in the coffee shop. This is another simple yet transformational technique. Just by changing the story of “Oh, no!” to “Oh boy!”, you change your body chemistry, your vibration, your immune system, your brain’s ability to solve problems and your ability to absorb love.

So go out there and be sexy!  If you need some more help with this, you might want to tune ain and particpate in our conversation about Owning Our Own Farts on The Funnymooners tonight.  If you missed it, you can listen to the show by clicking here xxxsign up for one of my coaching programs.  Check out my Coaching page at www. xxx



P.S.   Uncle! The spammers have found me!  I have had to discontinue allowing comments on this blog because I’ve been getting up to thirty comments a day from spammers.  I do want to know what you are thinking about these articles, so please email me at

Toxic Tone that Kills

Monday, May 17th, 2010

Discussed on “The Funnymooners!” Every Wednesday at 6 p.m. PDT. Click HERE to get a reminder. Here is the link to the internet radio/video station.

On Wednesday, May 12, my husband Murray and I launched our Internet radio show called The Funnymooners on Real Coaching Radio Network.  We are now international stars!

During the show, which was fraught with technological challenges by the way, Murray brought up the topic of Tone. He first used this word with me when we were just at the beginning stages of our relationship. I was messing with the stereo and having some trouble and I said something to him with a little irritation in my voice. He’d been walking down the steps, stopped, turned around and came back to the top of the steps and said, in a very friendly voice, “Are you giving me Tone?”

I take a stand for treating everyone respectfully at all times. I do not give myself permission to leak my frustration on other people with an irritating or condescending tone of voice.

So, when my sweet Murray let me know I had been speaking disrespectfully to him, I was grateful. I don’t want to get away with this behavior. I was also grateful that he gave me this feedback in such a kind manner. He made it easy for me to admit my mistake, to own my own fart, and change my behavior immediately.

I sheepishly admitted that I had been giving Tone, and then asked my question again respectfully.

What happens when you practice something?

Tone is everywhere. Parents talking to children, children talking to each other, married people talking to each other — it is a very easy habit to get into.

The more we practice talking with Tone, the better we get at it. The more we allow people to talk to us with Tone, the more this disrespectful behavior gets normalized. We get so we don’t even notice when we’re giving tone or when we are receiving it.

Tone is enormously destructive to a relationship. Most of our communication is nonverbal; that is it’s not the words we say but how we say them and what our body is doing when we say them that communicates our true meaning.

Murray and I have a deal. We have a zero tolerance policy about Tone. We don’t let one sentence escape that is carrying a load of disrespect without being challenged. We might say “Ow!” We might say, as Murray said that first time, “Are you giving me tone?”

We don’t want to get used to giving or receiving Tone. That means when we’re angry about something, we have to own our anger and speak it clearly. We don’t get to leak our anger through sarcasm, irritation, or contempt.

This is one of the main reasons our relationship works as well as it does. Let me repeat that: taking this stand against Tone creeping into her conversation keeps our communication clear, clean, and connected. If you are going to take on one habit to improve your relationship with anyone, I would recommend you take on the habit of zero tolerance for tone.

Bad Habit Swapping

If you are guilty of giving people Tone, which everyone is guilty of, and you want to stop doing that right now, here’s what you need to do:

Go to the person or persons on whom you have been leaking your occasional disrespect, or contempt upon, and tell them, “I have a bad habit that I am taking on. I have a bad habit of talking to people disrespectfully by giving them Tone. I’m going cold turkey on this habit, and I will no longer be giving anyone Tone.”

“I am not a perfect person; I am a human being. That means I will not be perfect in my recovery of giving people Tone. Here is what I would like you to do if I accidentally leak my anger on you by giving you Tone: please say “Rubber chicken.”

Why have someone say rubber chicken? Because it’s pretty hard to stay mad at someone when they’re saying rubber chicken. If someone has said something to you with tone and you turn to them smile and say rubber chicken, you get to shift everything. While you were opponents a moment before, now you’re partners who love each other and want only the best for each other.

I dare you to give this a try. I dare you to take the stand with your family, your coworkers and your partner — especially with anyone to whom you have been dropping Tone bombs, as it were.

Whatever we practice we get good at, and we are always practicing something. We are practicing being impeccable with our word, or we are practicing dumping our junk on anybody who happens to be in the vicinity.

If you want more of this kind of discussion, check out our radio show on Real Coaching Radio Network. It’s on every Wednesday at 6 PM PDT.



P.S.   Uncle! The spammers have found me!  I have had to discontinue allowing comments on this blog because I’ve been getting up to thirty comments a day from spammers.  I do want to know what you are thinking about these articles, so please email me at

Sanity Secret: Go Fast

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Many years ago when I cross-country skied regularly, my first husband and I had a favorite route from Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood, about an hour outside of Portland, Oregon. The trail was seven miles of a gentle downhill slope with easy curves on an unplowed forest service road — this is heaven for a cross-country skier.

The problem for me was that I would get going faster than I was comfortable. I was a fairly good skier, but nothing special. Sometimes the snow was slippery and faster than I liked. I would get going too fast and get scared.

My solution was to try to control my speed by slowing down. I had to work hard to do this, and I wasn’t very successful. I still kept falling down. I wore myself out trying to control the speed of my skiing.

Get ready for a major insight.

One day I gave up trying to control my speed. I decided sometimes the best strategy was just to surrender and to Go Fast.

At first I was scared, but I found when I quit trying to control my speed so much, I fell less often. I also started having a whole lot more fun. I realized at the time this was a useful metaphor for living. Sometimes it’s better just to surrender and let yourself go fast.

Building a Business

For the last six months I’ve been in the process of clarifying what it is I have to offer and to whom I can best offer my services. This may sound easy to those of you who’ve never tried to do it, but believe me, it’s taken everything I have to be able to get clear about how to articulate quickly what my special gift is and identify the people I can best serve.

(Here is my Impact Statement: I work with seekers and entrepreneurs to help them dissolve their fear, so they can gain more confidence, have more fun, follow their bliss and create a life beyond their wildest dreams.)

Here is what part of building a business looks like: creating a logo that is your brand, building a website, offering a freebie that will be irresistible so people will want to sign up for it so you can collect their names so you can build your list so you can create the Hive of people who are interested in what you do, so you can offer programs, teleseminars, small group or individual intensives, retreats, private coaching — in short, get yourself out in the world doing what you do best and getting well compensated for it.

This ride is a rather steep downhill, sometimes slippery, slope. I have felt overwhelmed and out of control much of the time, even though I am committed, absolutely committed, to not selling out the joy of today for promised joy tomorrow.

I have found myself too often getting caught up in the future, and not enjoying my present life. This is the exact opposite of what I believe in and value the most in life. I’ve been struggling trying to figure out what I’ve been doing wrong, where I’ve gotten off track so to speak.

The Secret is Revealed

Today I remembered “Go Fast!” I’ve been trying to put my arms around all of the activities, all this new knowledge, all these strategies, all these conferences — all this business building activity and excitement. I’ve tried to understand it, to get a big picture, to hold on to what is good, and to — here it comes — control what is happening to me.

It’s just too big to control.

So today I decided from now on I’m going to surrender and Go Fast. I can’t even control my inbox, much less everything else that is happening to me, so I’m going to go with the flow, do stuff, talk to people, create stuff, and enjoyed every frigging moment of it.

And lo and behold, today I did enjoy every frigging moment! It was so simple! I didn’t even know I was trying to put my arms around “it” and understand “it” and control “it.” Perfectionism is very, very sneaky. And that’s all this is, just my trying to do it all right, or at least understand what is happening to me.

I don’t get to understand “it” all. I get to live it all. I get to surrender and enjoy the exhilaration of Going Fast. I’m going to fall down occasionally, but less often than I was falling down when I was trying to control everything.

Ha! Isn’t this just like it often turns out to be? The answer is so, so simple. Let go, surrender, listen, go with the flow, and follow my bliss. Hey! That just happens to be my business! What a coincidence!

And being in Bali right now, surrounded by beauty and love doesn’t hurt one little bit.

Kicking the Dinosaur of Doubt Out

Friday, February 26th, 2010

Last summer, while in the beautiful city of Vancouver BC, I made a Vow.

The last time I made a Vow was when I was about 10 years old and I looked around my family and saw violence, alcohol abuse, and despair. I made a sacred Vow to myself that I would not re-create this family.

I kept that Vow. There was never any doubt that I would do whatever it took to get myself an education, and break the cycle of addiction and codependency that has held my family captive for generations.

This first Vow was for myself and my as yet uncreated family. My second Vow is for myself and my global family. My work with the Bali Institute of Global Renewal has given me a glimpse of how I might be able to use my gifts to change the world in a way I would never have been able to imagine for myself when I was that little girl of 10, deciding to take on the challenge of breaking the cycle of addiction in my family.

I made this new Vow last July when I was at a workshop presented by two dear friends of mine, Donny and Kirk. In four days they created a place where people could heal on a deep level. The energy and the vision they created for this temporary family was so magnificent, it inspired me to make a decision.

I committed to doing whatever it takes, spending whatever it takes, to create a first class team for my world-class business, a business that is committed to helping people get in touch with the deepest, wisest, juiciest, most courageous part of themselves, so they can go out into the world in the most magnificent way possible.

The result of making this Vow was the creation of my new business: Outrageous Visions: See Who You Are Meant to Be. My work takes me all over the world, providing workshops to help people sing, speak, write, and live without fear. In April I’m inaugurating my new club: Vicki’s Outrageously Alive Club. With my travel, and speaking, and retreats, I will have a limited time left over to work with private clients.

So these private clients need to be Special. And by Special I mean people who are feeling a deep call to work with me, and have a willingness and readiness to do the work and the play necessary to free themselves from their limiting beliefs and bad habits. When we are free, we can stride deeper and deeper into the world, determined to become who we are meant to become. (That is a paraphrase of a Mary Oliver poem.)

If you know enough now to know that you want to apply to be one of my few private clients, click here to fill out the application. You are not making a commitment; you are following the deep truth that is within you. Fill out the application, and then we will chat. If you feel we are a good fit and this is the right time and this is what you are called to do, then I will ask you to make a three-month commitment to coach with me. Quite honestly, I don’t want to mess around with people. And it takes time to make big, deep changes.

Here’s what I offer my clients:

• The best of me, including all my experience, my courage, my intelligence, my creativity, my compassion, my enthusiasm, and my intrepidness.

• My wicked sense of humor. I can almost always find a funny way of dealing with an old, sticky problem that has you discouraged and defeated. Here is a Visionary Voice Message I created after a particularly bad day dealing with technology. And let me just say, I love my Macintosh computer, and technology is what keeps me connected to the world. But on this particular day technology was no fun.

Technology Tried To Kill Me
• Because I am a little psychic, let’s just get it out there, I am able to envision for my clients a future that is more magnificent than they are able to do. I’m not forcing any agenda on people. It’s more like I hold back the branches on the path, so you can see more clearly where it is you need to go, in order to get to the beautiful meadow that’s been waiting for you all along.

• Because of my experience as a high school teacher, an elementary school counselor, a performer, a drug and alcohol counselor, a grief counselor, an employee assistance counselor, a parent educator, I am able to help you untangle an area of specific problems in your life.

• Because of the obstacles and challenges I’ve had to deal with in my life, I know how to take on anything that gets in your way, and transform it into Joy Fuel.

• I know how to inject fun into almost any situation. And fun is not a four letter word. When we are having fun, we are full of more energy, we have an ability to solve problems better, we increase our immune system, and we attract happy people.

I want you to check in with yourself right now. Are you feeling a resonance with what I’m saying? If so, click here now to apply to be a private client of mine. If you are hearing a resonance and you say no to the resonance, then you’re not a good client for me right now. I want to work with people who are willing to listen to the truth that is in them, and willing to take the next step, and the next step, and the next step. I want to work with people who want a Coach for Life, someone who knows them, knows the terrain of their lives, and always holds the best and highest vision for their lives.

So if you want to work with me, if you have an inkling or nudge that you want to apply to be one of my few private clients, fill out an application and then we’ll set up a time to talk. It is important that we are a good fit. It is important that you make at least a three month commitment to work with me. I charge $497 a month paid in advance. This may seem like a lot of money to some, and hardly enough money to others. So be it.

Here’s the thing I have learned about money: when you set an intention, when you decide to do something, and I mean really decide to do it, the money will come. Money is magic that way. If you are hearing a clear call inside you, you may even be a little teary as you read this, then you need to commit to manifesting the glory that is within you. And part of that commitment is feeling that you are worth it. You deserve to have great coaching, and I am a fantastic coach.

Don’t think about it. If you are feeling a resonance with what I’ve written, apply now. Your applying is not a commitment. Filling out the application form is just the next step in finding out if this is truly a good fit for you. If it is, great, if it isn’t, the application form is going to give you more information about yourself. There’s no way to lose.

I’m going to paraphrase Marianne Williamson here. Say this aloud as you read it:

My deepest fear is not that I’m inadequate.
My deepest fear is that I’m powerful beyond measure.
I ask myself, “Who am I to be brilliant, talented, abundant, living a life I’d love, making a huge difference in the world, feeling happy for no reason?”
Actually, who am I not to be? I am a child of God.
My playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about my shrinking so that I don’t make other people feel insecure.
I was born to make manifest the glory of God that is within me.
And it’s not just in me, this glory is in every one I know, every one I’ll meet every day for the rest of my life.
As I let my light shine I unconsciously give permission to other people to do the same.
As I free myself from my fear my presence automatically frees others.

Click this here to get a recording of me saying this.

Please say it along with me every day. My job right now is to help you make a decision. Deciding to put off a decision, deciding not to even fill out my application now, is a :No.” Saying “No” is okay for sure if that is your truth, but don’t practice kidding yourself. You either learn to trust the deep wisdom inside of you and act on it, or you kid yourself. If you are kidding yourself and you want somebody to bust you for it, that would be Me!

Want to apply to be a private client? Click here.

Bless you on your journey,


Seeing Who You Are Meant to Be

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

In this movie I tell the story of how I met a man on a shuttle and helped him listen in to who he is meant to be. When he said, “I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up,” I said, “Yes, you do. I’ve had this conversation hundreds of times and you do know. You just won’t let yourself know.”

We had a great time and I think you will enjoy the story. If there is something in you that is bugging you because it wants to come out and play, let me know. I am offering for a short time a free fifteen minute consult, complete with a musical motivator.



To sign up for a week of Short Juicy Joy Infusions, click here:

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