Archive for the ‘living your purpose’ Category

Wellness Buffet

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

To get the most out of this simply healthy buffet, fill in the blanks with practices you enjoy doing.  Wellness and joy are all about discipline and movement.  Get that juicy joy flowing through your body, remind yourself daily of whom you are meant to be, and gain support, and you can enjoy the journey and build resilience for when Life’s Upsets inevitably happen.

Look over this every morning to help you set your sails.


  • Just try to get a little bit better in one category every day.
  • Don’t give up.
  • Ask for help.
  • Laugh at your foibles.
  • Trick yourself into getting healthy and happy.
  • Add your personal favorites to every category as you get to know what floats your boat.


My Friend Sophia Verena

Friday, April 8th, 2011

I received this request for support in an email from my friend I know as Verena.  I met her in 2008 during my second trip to Bali.  I have purchased her incredible clothing designs, visited a Balinese factory she was working with and met other Balinese artists with whom she was in collaboration.

She is a magnificent artist and could be of huge service to women in Bali seeking to make a living as artists.

In Bali there is no word for art because everything is art.  The average salary is $100 a month.  The people are beautiful and gentle, and women work very hard as they do all over the world.

MasterMind Prayer

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

MasterMind Prayer

In my WHAT MATTERS program, based on my daily practices and sprinkled with joy and humor, one of the T’s in MATTERS stands for Talking with the Universe.
My husband and I use this Mastermind Prayer regularly. I’d like to share more about this with you auditorily. If you would like that, CLICK HERE.
MasterMind Prayer (also known as Partners in Prayer)

  1. I open my heart and mind in full surrender to the power of my indwelling God and align in love with my partner in prayer.
  2. I believe that God is an energy of pure love flowing through me. I am a channel of its expression.
  3. I take responsibility for my life experience without guilt or judgment. I am ready to change my beliefs and attitudes at depth. My life is transformed.
  4. I am willing to release all unforgiveness for any perceived mistakes or wrong doings. I forgive by now giving unconditional love and acceptance to myself and others.
  5. In complete faith and trust, I speak into creation the desires of my heart. (state of visualize your desire)
  6. I joyously accept and give thanks that the desires of my heart are fulfilled. I move into life with confidence and knowing that Divine right action is at work.
  7. As a powerful being of my God, my life is one of service to all. My commitment is to live in a manner that sets the highest example for others to follow. I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement and expectancy.


Bless Them and Protect Yourself

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

Please listen to this audio

I created this audio to help a client who has a toxic person in his life.  The process is good for helping to heal from past trauma’s and let go of the angry/ashamed/vindictive cycle we can all fall into.  Let me know if it helps or any other feedback you might have by emailing me.

Dear Pain in My Foot

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

“Dear Pain in My Foot” plays with communicating with our pain in order to learn a deeper story, perhaps a lesson that will serve us well.

As always, I’m very interested in what you think.

Please listen to this audio Dear Pain in My Foot

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