
bali 01

The first time I went to Bali in December of 2008 I felt healed down into my cells. After thirty years of different kinds of therapies, which all helped, I was touched deeply and forever by the beauty, love, and grace of Bali and the Balinese.

What I heard clearly in my body on this first short visit was this: "You already know everyone you need to know in order to meet everyone you need to meet in order to serve the world in the highest manner you are capable of serving."


When I returned home, I contacted my friend Gaye Abbott who had gone to a Global Healing Conference in 2006 in Bali which featured Dsmond Tutu. My friend then connected me with Marcia Jaffe, President of the Bali Institute for Global Renewal.

Here is a short video that explains much better than I could about the vision of the Bali Institute for Global Healing:

I've been back to Bali many times since then and have made a few movies you might enjoy watching.

Want to go with me to Bali Sometime? Groovy!

Sign up here to get more information about coming on a trip with me to Bali: Outrageously Alive with Vicki in Bali. The Bali Institute will help us have a deep experience of the culture and the people (Want to meet a prince?) that will transform our lives and our vision for the future. This is not hyperbole.

My first trip is tentatively planned for January of 2010. Sign up below to get more information.

Yes, I love the idea of going to Bali with you sometime!


Yes, I want the free audio and inspirational activity to help me explore what I would do if I could do anything!



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